This bill establishes a new framework for the provision of electric service to extremely large electrical loads, defined as new electric loads of seventy-five megawatts or more. It creates a new section, W.S. 37-3-120, which outlines the definitions and procedures for electric utilities and the public service commission to manage requests for such large loads. The bill mandates that service initiation for these loads must occur under specific large load service and construction contracts, which require approval from the commission. The commission's review is limited to ensuring that the initiation of service does not impose costs on other customers or jeopardize the reliability of the utility's power system.
Additionally, the bill amends W.S. 37-3-102 to allow for contracts approved under the new section for extremely large electrical loads, thereby permitting deviations from standard rate schedules. The provisions of the new section will apply to requests made on or after July 1, 2025, and the public service commission is tasked with adopting necessary rules by that date. The act is effective immediately, except for the specific sections related to large electrical loads, which will take effect in 2025.
Statutes affected: 25LSO-0315 v0.3: 37-3-102