The bill modifies existing laws concerning industrial development and the authority of the industrial siting council in Wyoming, particularly regarding impact assistance payments for industrial facilities. It allows the council to increase these payments beyond the previously established maximum percentages—2.25% for facilities with estimated material costs of $350 million or less, 2% for those between $350 million and $850 million, and 1.5% for facilities exceeding $850 million. The new provision enables the council to raise the maximum allowable percentage to 2.76% if it finds that the standard percentage is inadequate to mitigate identified impacts. Furthermore, the council is required to report to the joint appropriations committee and the joint minerals, business, and economic development interim committee within ten business days of any increase.
Additionally, the bill ensures that the council's decisions regarding these increases are not subject to judicial review, making them final. It introduces a new subsection (p) that outlines the process for the council to propose an increase to the state loan and investment board, which will review the proposal without considering new evidence. Payments can continue at the current maximum allowable percentage while the proposed increase is under consideration, and if approved, the department will retroactively adjust payments from the start of construction. The act will apply only to impact assistance payments for industrial facility permit applications submitted after its effective date of July 1, 2025.
Statutes affected: 25LSO-0069 v0.7: 35-12-105, 39-15-111, 39-16-111