Introduced House Bill 109
By Delegates Hanshaw (Mr. Speaker) and Hornbuckle
(By Request of the Executive)
[Introduced May 19, 2024]
Intr HB 109
1 A BILL supplementing and amending Chapter 11, Acts of the Legislature, Regular Session, 2024,
2 known as the budget bill, in Title II from the appropriations of public moneys out of the
3 Treasury in the State Fund, General Revenue, to the Department of Education, State
4 Board of Education – State Aid to Schools, fund 0317, fiscal year 2025, organization 0402,
5 by supplementing and amending the appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30,
6 2025 by decreasing items of appropriation; therefore Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
1 That Chapter 11, Acts of the Legislature, Regular Session, 2024, known as the budget bill,
2 fund 0317, fiscal year 2025, organization 0402 be supplemented and amended to read as follows:
4 Section 1. Appropriations from general revenue.
6 47 - State Board of Education –
7 State Aid to Schools
8 (W.V. Code Chapters 18 and 18A)
9 Fund 0317 FY 2025 Org 0402
10 1 Other Current Expenses................................................ 02200 $ 198,222,172
11 2 Advanced Placement..................................................... 05300 716,707
12 3 Professional Educators.................................................. 15100 968,083,481
13 4 Service Personnel......................................................... 15200 384,280,888
14 5 Fixed Charges............................................................... 15300 116,934,718
15 6 Transportation............................................................... 15400 99,231,183
16 7 Improved Instructional Programs................................... 15600 63,626,561
17 8 Professional Student Support Services......................... 65500 66,746,268
18 9 21st Century Strategic Technology Learning Growth..... 93600 49,747,886
Intr HB 109
19 10 Teacher and Leader Induction....................................... 93601 28,783,005
20 11 Basic Foundation Allowances........................................ 1,976,372,869
21 12 Less Local Share........................................................... (592,781,390)
22 13 Adjustments................................................................... 8,212,243
23 14 Total Basic State Aid...................................................... 1,391,803,722
24 15 Public Employees’ Insurance Matching......................... 01200 292,043,423
25 16 Teachers’ Retirement System........................................ 01900 71,801,000
26 17 Retirement Systems – Unfunded Liability...................... 77500 283,653,000
27 18 Total.......................................................................... $ 2,039,301,145
NOTE: The purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is to supplement and amend items of appropriation by decreasing existing appropriations in the aforesaid account for the designated spending unit for expenditure during the fiscal year 2025.