Introduced House Bill 5263
By Delegates Gearheart, C. Pritt, Anderson, Griffith,
Kump, Marple, and Williams
(By Request of the Consolidated Public Retirement Board)
[Introduced January 29, 2024; Referred to the Committee on Pensions and Retirement then Finance]
Intr HB 5263
1 A BILL to amend and reenact §5-10D-12 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, all
2 relating to the Consolidated Public Retirement Board; and requiring participating public
3 employers to remit retirement contributions and fees by electronic funds transfer.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
§5-10D-12. Employer reporting requirements; payments by electronic funds transfer.
1 (a) Pursuant to its responsibility as a regulatory body, the Consolidated Public Retirement
2 Board shall collect all information regarding individuals employed with a participating public
3 employer of a retirement system administered pursuant to this article necessary to ensure
4 compliance with retirement plan provisions. All participating public employers of a public
5 retirement system administered pursuant to this article shall promptly report all individuals
6 employed with the participating public employer to the board and include information regarding the
7 individual including, but not limited to, the individual’s name, social security number, gross salary
8 or compensation, rate of pay, hours or days worked or paid, type of pay (salary, hourly or per
9 diem), employment contract period, job title, permanent or temporary employment, full-time or
10 part-time employment, scheduled hours and benefit eligibility.
11 (b) All participating public employers of a public retirement system administered pursuant
12 to this article shall remit all retirement contributions and fees owed to the Consolidated Public
13 Retirement Board by electronic funds transfer beginning July 1, 2024. Failure to comply will result
14 in a $300 surcharge for each paper check submission. The Executive Director of the board or his
15 or her designee may waive the surcharge on an emergency basis or for an extenuating
16 circumstance.
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to require participating public employers in any retirement plan administered by the CPRB to remit retirement contributions and fees by electronic funds transfer beginning July 1, 2024.
Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from a heading or the present law and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.
Statutes affected: Introduced Version: 5-10D-12