The bill amends RCW 35.82.300 to authorize the formation of joint housing authorities by city governments without requiring authorization from county legislative authorities, provided that the cities involved have previously established housing authorities. This change allows for greater flexibility in the creation of joint housing authorities, particularly for cities that have already set up their own housing authorities prior to the bill's effective date. The bill also outlines that the ordinances creating a joint housing authority must either establish a new public body or convert an existing housing authority into a joint authority.

Additionally, the bill specifies that the ordinances must detail the governance structure of the joint housing authority, including the number of commissioners, their appointment methods, and terms. It also clarifies that the joint housing authority will have the same powers as any housing authority and defines its operational area as the combined regions of the participating cities and counties. The provisions of RCW 35.82.040 and 35.82.060 will not apply to these joint authorities, and the creation or conversion to a joint housing authority will take effect on the latest effective date of the ordinances unless otherwise specified.

Statutes affected:
Original Bill: 35.82.300
Bill as Passed Legislature: 35.82.300
Session Law: 35.82.300