State of Washington 68th Legislature 2023 Regular Session
By House State Government & Tribal Relations (originally sponsored by
Representatives Low, Christian, Abbarno, Chapman, Ormsby, Eslick,
Gregerson, and Pollet; by request of Secretary of State)
1 AN ACT Relating to updating the process for online voter
2 registration by allowing voter applicants to provide the last four
3 digits of social security number for authentication; amending RCW
4 29A.08.123; and providing an effective date.
6 Sec. 1. RCW 29A.08.123 and 2019 c 6 s 3 are each amended to read
7 as follows:
8 (1) A person qualified to vote who has a valid:
9 (a) Washington state driver's license((,));
10 (b) Washington state identification card((, or));
11 (c) Washington state learner's permit;
12 (d) Current Washington tribal identification; or
13 (e) Social Security number,
14 may submit a voter registration application electronically on the
15 secretary of state's website, and provide either the state issued
16 identification number, the tribal identification number, or the last
17 four digits of the person's social security number. ((A person who
18 has a valid tribal identification card may submit a voter
19 registration electronically on the secretary of state's website if
20 the secretary of state is able to obtain a copy of the applicant's
21 signature from the federal government or the tribal government.))
p. 1 SHB 1443
1 (2) The applicant must attest to the truth of the information
2 provided on the application and confirm the applicant's United States
3 citizenship by reviewing the registration oath online and
4 affirmatively accepting the information as true.
5 (3) ((The)) For applicants using Washington state issued
6 identification, the applicant must affirmatively assent to use of
7 ((his or her)) the applicant's driver's license((,)) or state
8 identification card((, or tribal identification card)) signature for
9 voter registration purposes.
10 (4) For applicants who are not using Washington state issued
11 identification, the applicant must submit a signature image by either
12 submitting a signature image to the secretary of state, or submitting
13 a signature image as part of the confirmation notice process.
14 (5) A voter registration application submitted electronically is
15 otherwise considered a registration by mail.
16 (((5))) (6) For each electronic application, the secretary of
17 state must obtain a digital copy of the applicant's driver's license
18 or state identification card signature from the department of
19 licensing, the voter, or tribal identification issuing authority.
20 (((6))) (7) The secretary of state may employ additional security
21 measures to ensure the accuracy and integrity of voter registration
22 applications submitted electronically.
23 NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. This act takes effect July 15, 2024.
--- END ---
p. 2 SHB 1443

Statutes affected:
Original Bill: 29A.08.123
Substitute Bill: 29A.08.123