R-295 Page 1 of 1
No. R-295. House concurrent resolution honoring the music therapists of Vermont.
Offered by: Representatives Dolan of Waitsfield, Arsenault of Williston, Austin of
Colchester, Bluemle of Burlington, Carroll of Bennington, Chapin of East Montpelier,
Chesnut-Tangerman of Middletown Springs, Cina of Burlington, Coffey of Guilford,
Cordes of Lincoln, Dickinson of St. Albans Town, Dodge of Essex, Dolan of Essex Junction, Farlice-Rubio of Barnet, Graning of Jericho, Hango of Berkshire, Hyman of
South Burlington, Labor of Morgan, Mihaly of Calais, Mrowicki of Putney, Ode of
Burlington, Roberts of Halifax, Stone of Burlington, Toleno of Brattleboro, Torre of
Moretown, and White of Bethell Whereas, specially trained music therapists employ clinical, evidence-based music interventions, active music-making, composition, listening, and improvisation to support outcomes that include reduction of pain and anxiety; stress and symptom management; and improved communication, social, and developmental skills, and Whereas, music cuts through the darkness and, similar to “a prism, brings joy into a room in ways that are unexpected and undeniable,” and Whereas, watching people access the colorful essence of their humanity through music is rewarding for music therapists, and Whereas, the presence of music therapy is growing in Vermont because there is a high demand for these services that support so many, including our most vulnerable populations,
and Whereas, the World Federation of Music Therapy has designated the week of April 10–
15 as an annual occasion to increase public awareness of the ways in which music therapy can accomplish individualized goals and enrich a person’s life, and Whereas, on Friday, April 12, 2024, Vermont music therapists Lynn Noble, Maggie Connors, Jen DeBedout, Shanna Meyer, and Wrenn Compere were honored to present a musical therapy devotional in the House of Representatives, now therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives:
That the General Assembly honors the music therapists of Vermont, and be it further Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this resolution to
each music therapist honored in this resolution and to the Music Therapy Association of
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