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No. R-212. House concurrent resolution designating February 22, 2024 as Age Strong Vermont Day at the State House.
Offered by: Representatives Noyes of Wolcott, Arsenault of Williston, Birong of
Vergennes, Bos-Lun of Westminster, Boyden of Cambridge, Brown of Richmond,
Brumsted of Shelburne, Buss of Woodstock, Campbell of St. Johnsbury, Carpenter of Hyde Park, Chapin of East Montpelier, Chase of Chester, Cole of Hartford, Dolan of Essex Junction, Farlice-Rubio of Barnet, Garofano of Essex, Goldman of Rockingham, Gregoire of Fairfield, Hooper of Burlington, Hyman of South Burlington, Lalley of Shelburne,
Masland of Thetford, McFaun of Barre Town, McGill of Bridport, Mrowicki of Putney,
Ode of Burlington, Pajala of Londonderry, Rachelson of Burlington, Rice of Dorset,
Stebbins of Burlington, Whitman of Bennington, Williams of Barre City, and Wood of
Waterbury Whereas, according to the latest American Community Survey estimate, nearly 30
percent of the State’s population is at least 60 years of age, and these Vermonters face increased risk of financial insecurity, social isolation, and chronic disease, and Whereas, this demographic reality presents challenges, but it also presents opportunities to re-envision aging, to capitalize on the diverse experiences of older Vermonters, and to
ensure that they contribute to the State’s vibrancy, and Whereas, in 2020 Acts and Resolves No. 156, known as the Older Vermonters Act, in Sec. 3(b), the General Assembly directed that a plan be developed to “provide strategies and cultivate partnerships for implementation across sectors to promote aging with…dignity [and]…to establish and maintain an age-friendly State for all Vermonters,”
and Whereas, on January 29, 2024, the Age Strong VT Advisory Committee approved a final plan entitled Age Strong VT, Our Roadmap for an Age-Friendly State, which presents
a 10-year vision that addresses Vermont’s changing age demographics, and the plan focuses on seven areas: affordable aging, healthy aging for all, social connection,
infrastructure for the future, elder justice, family caregiver support, and strengthening systems of support, and Whereas, according to the University of Vermont’s Center for Rural Studies’ 2023
Vermonter Poll, 64.2 percent of the respondents did not believe Vermont had adequate resources to address the needs of the State’s older residents, and 81 percent concurred that it was important to create a 10-year action plan for the support of an age-friendly State,
now therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives:
That the General Assembly designates February 22, 2024 as Age Strong Vermont Day at the State House, and be it further Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this resolution to
Governor Philip B. Scott, the Commissioner of Health, and the Commissioner of
Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living.
VT LEG #374970 v.1