Act No. 64 Page 1 of 1
This act summary is provided for the convenience of the public and members of the General Assembly. It
is intended to provide a general summary of the act and may not be exhaustive. It has been prepared by the
staff of the Office of Legislative Counsel without input from members of the General Assembly. It is not
intended to aid in the interpretation of legislation or to serve as a source of legislative intent.
Act No. 64 (H. 165). An act relating to school food programs and universal school meals
Subjects: Education; universal school meals; school food program
This act creates the universal meals supplement and amends the eligibly requirements
for the local foods incentive grant program.
Sec. 1 of this act contains legislative findings related to universal meals programs.
Through the creation of the universal meals supplement, Sec. 2 and 3 of this act provide
for free breakfast and lunch under the federal school food programs for all public school
students and students attending approved independent schools on public tuition. The
universal meals supplement is an amount equal to the federal reimbursement rate for a
free meal less the federal reimbursement rate for a paid meal. 16 V.S.A. § 1265 is
repealed, removing the ability of a school district to seek an exemption from participation
in the federal food programs. Approved independent schools are required to participate
in the federal food programs only if they want to qualify for the universal meals
supplement. School districts and approved independent schools are required to maximize
access to federal funds in order to qualify for the universal meals supplement. The
universal meals supplement is funded through an appropriation from the Education Fund.
Sec. 4 of this act expands eligibility for participation in the local foods incentive grant
program under 16 V.S.A. § 1264a by adding approved independent schools that qualify
for the universal meals supplement as entities eligible for participation in the grant
Effective Date: July 1, 2023
VT LEG #370852 v.2

Statutes affected:
As Introduced: 16-27, 16-4025
As Passed By the House -- Official: 16-27, 16-4025, 16-1264a
As Passed By the House -- Unofficial: 16-27, 16-1264a
As Passed by Both House and Senate -- Official: 16-27, 16-4025, 16-1264a
As Passed by Both House and Senate -- Unofficial: 16-27, 16-1264a
As Enacted: 16-27, 16-1264a