Act No. 70 Page 1 of 1
This act summary is provided for the convenience of the public and members of the General
Assembly. It is intended to provide a general summary of the act and may not be
exhaustive. It has been prepared by the staff of the Office of Legislative Counsel without
input from members of the General Assembly. It is not intended to aid in the interpretation
of legislation or to serve as a source of legislative intent.
Act No. 70 (H.313). Alcoholic beverages
An act relating to miscellaneous amendments to alcoholic beverage laws
This act enacts and amends statutes relating to alcoholic beverages to:
• authorize municipalities to assess a $50.00 local fee for stand-alone
third-class licenses
• establish a $230.00 fee for third-class licenses acquired by the holders
of a manufacturer’s or rectifier’s license
• establish temporary authority, expiring on July 1, 2023, for the sale of
alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption that authorizes:
o first- and third-class licensees to sell alcoholic beverages for
curbside pickup or delivery, provided that the licensee sells the
beverages in containers that meet enumerated packaging and
labeling requirements
o second- and fourth-class licensees to sell alcoholic beverages
for curbside pickup
• require a festival permit for any event that is open to the public for the
purpose of serving alcoholic beverages and enumerate the requirements
for issuance of a festival permit
• repeal the notice requirement for promotional tasting events at first- or
second-class license locations
• for the year 2021, waive the first- and third-class renewal fees for
clubs, as defined in 7 V.S.A. § 2
• require the Office of Legislative Counsel and the Joint Fiscal Office to
submit a report to the General Assembly concerning the current state of
the regulated sports betting market in the United States
• require the Department of Liquor and Lottery to submit a report to the
General Assembly concerning the sale of alcoholic beverages for
delivery and curbside pickup by first-, second-, third-, and fourth-class
Multiple effective dates, beginning on June 8, 2021
VT LEG #357167 v.2

Statutes affected:
As Introduced: 7-204, 7-221, 7-223, 7-253, 7-256, 7-230
As Passed By the House -- Official: 7-204, 7-221, 7-223, 7-253, 7-256, 7-230
As Passed By the House -- Unofficial: 7-204, 7-253, 7-256, 7-230
As Passed by Both House and Senate -- Official: 7-204, 7-221, 7-223, 7-253, 7-256, 7-230
As Passed by Both House and Senate -- Unofficial: 7-204, 7-253, 7-256, 7-230
As Enacted: 7-204, 7-253, 7-256, 7-230