Department of Veterans Services; powers and duties of Commissioner; identification of incarcerated veterans. Requires the Department of Veterans Services to convene a work group to determine the most effective programmatic structure to assist the Department of Corrections, sheriffs, and local and regional jails in utilizing the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' Veterans Re-Entry Search Services system, with the goal of (i) identifying veterans incarcerated in state prisons and local and regional jails; (ii) helping such veterans prepare for release or reentry; (iii) reducing the rates of recidivism and homelessness; (iv) connecting such veterans to resources to address challenges of post-traumatic stress disorder; and (v) diverting eligible veterans to treatment dockets. The bill requires the work group to include the personnel needed and associated costs of providing such assistance and case management to adult state and local correctional facilities, to include a description of personnel roles, services provided, and areas served. The bill requires the work group to report its findings to the General Assembly by November 1, 2025.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 2.2-2004
General Laws and Technology Substitute : 2.2-2004
Rehabilitation and Social Services Substitute: 2.2-2004
Public Safety Substitute: 2.2-2004