Hospitals; reports of threats or acts of violence against health care providers. Requires hospitals in the Commonwealth to establish a workplace violence incident reporting system to document, track, and analyze any incident of workplace violence reported. The bill requires each hospital to report the data collected via the reporting system (i) to the chief medical officer and the chief nursing officer of such hospital on, at minimum, a quarterly basis and (ii) to the Department of Health on an annual basis. The bill also requires the Secretary of Health and Human Resources, in collaboration with the Department of Criminal Justice Services, to convene a stakeholder work group for the purpose of making recommendations on the workplace violence system and policies adopted pursuant to the bill.
Statutes affected: Introduced: 32.1-127
Health and Human Services Subcommittee Substitute: 32.1-127
Health and Human Services Substitute: 32.1-127
Education and Health Substitute: 32.1-127
Education and Health Subcommittee Substitute: 32.1-127