Introduced in House (10/12/2021)

Manufacturing American Dynamism in Entrepreneurship and Harnessing Education to Retool Employees Act or the MADE HERE Act

This bill requires the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Department of Energy, and the Department of Defense to establish a manufacturing cluster program to award resources and grants to eligible manufacturing clusters, and it establishes an interagency entity to oversee and coordinate the activities of manufacturing cluster programs at federal agencies.

A manufacturing cluster is a geographic concentration of companies and institutions within a particular field of manufacturing that engage collaboratively in workforce development, technology development, supply chain sourcing, and other activities.

The program shall be comprised of three phases wherein awards shall be distributed to manufacturing clusters for (1) the development of a detailed implementation plan, (2) the implementation of such plan, and (3) continuing the activities of the cluster. Phase two and three awards may be used for purposes such as developing and deploying educational programs for cluster members, funding efforts with respect to supply chain sourcing and innovation, and developing shared infrastructure or resources for cluster members.
