House Bill No. 1435 aims to enhance the efficiency and transparency of public information requests in Texas by introducing a new Subchapter K. This subchapter establishes an expedited response procedure, allowing governmental bodies to withhold certain information without seeking an attorney general's decision, provided they meet specific criteria. The bill requires governmental bodies to respond to requests within ten business days, detailing any exceptions for withheld information and providing requestors with a notice form outlining their rights and appeal procedures. Additionally, it amends existing sections of the Government Code to clarify deadlines and the presumption of public disclosure if timely requests for attorney general decisions are not made.
The bill also includes provisions for training requirements for public information officers and establishes an affirmative defense for those who release information under the new expedited procedures. It mandates that the notice of revocation for training certificates must specify a duration not exceeding six months and requires individuals to retake the training course to obtain a new certificate if theirs is revoked. Furthermore, the attorney general's office is tasked with maintaining a publicly accessible list of individuals with active training certificates and those whose authorization to respond to requests has been revoked. The changes will take effect on September 1, 2025, and will apply only to requests received on or after that date.
Statutes affected: Introduced: Government Code 552.2615, Government Code 552.263, Government Code 552.302, Government Code 552.321, Government Code 552.352, Government Code 6.03, Chapter , Government Code 552.324 (Government Code 6, Chapter , Government Code 552, Government Code 552)