88(4) SR 16 - Enrolled version - Bill Text
               WHEREAS, In June 1944, the members of the 101st Airborne
  Division demonstrated exceptional courage when their actions
  helped clear the way for the arrival of Allied forces on Normandy
  beaches during World War II; and
               WHEREAS, On June 5, more than 6,500 paratroopers of the 101st
  division spearheaded the start of the U.S. airborne assault on the
  Cotentin Peninsula in Normandy, France; specifically, they carried
  out the mission of securing four causeways leading inland and
  neutralizing enemy resistance in advance of the amphibious landings
  by the U.S. Army 4th Infantry Division the next morning; and
               WHEREAS, Before dawn on June 6, the 502nd Parachute Infantry
  Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division attacked and captured a
  German garrison headquarters site at Marmion Farm, on the outskirts
  of the Ravenoville village; under the direction of Major
  John  P.  Stopka, the regiment took control of the site, denying
  enemy movement against the northern shoulder of the 101st assault
  area and the critical exits at Utah Beach; the paratroopers held
  their posts until the early morning of June 7, when they were
  relieved by lead elements of the 4th Infantry Division; and
               WHEREAS, On June 6, 2012, the Eternal Heroes Memorial was
  dedicated in Ravenoville in honor of the "Raveno Boys," whose
  heroic stand contributed to the success of the Allied landings on
  Utah Beach and ultimately the D-Day invasion of Normandy; counted
  among the Raveno Boys were nine Texans:  Ollie E. Barrington Jr. and
  George W. Blackburn of Harris County, Justo Correa of Dimmit
  County, Homer R. Estes of Stephens County, Leon Jackson of Hidalgo
  County, and James R. Kumler, Joel R. Lander, Worster M. Morgan, and
  Luther M. Tillery of Dallas County; and
               WHEREAS, The Raveno Boys displayed extraordinary bravery
  in the line of duty, and Americans owe a profound debt of
  gratitude to these paratroopers and to all members of the U.S.
  armed forces who so valiantly served during World War II; now,
  therefore, be it
               RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, 4th Called Session, hereby recognize June 6 and 7,
  2024, as Eternal Heroes Memorial Days in honor of the Texas
  Raveno Boys.
           President of the Senate
           I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on November 16, 2023.
           Secretary of the Senate
             Member, Texas Senate