88(3) SR 64 - Enrolled version - Bill Text
               WHEREAS, The prosperity of the Lone Star State has been
  greatly influenced by family farming and ranching, and the
  Wallace Farm in Bell County has been officially recognized for
  its role in this proud tradition with its acceptance into the
  state's Family Land Heritage Program in 2023; and
               WHEREAS, Sponsored by the Texas Department of Agriculture,
  this program honors farms and ranches that have been in
  continuous agricultural operation by the same family for a
  century or more; established in 1873, the Wallace Farm is
  currently owned and operated by Laura W. Bergin and Christine W.
  Stockwell; and
               WHEREAS, The farm's founder, John Armstrong Wallace, was a
  native of Tennessee who moved with his family to Texas as a child;
  in 1873, he and his wife, Amanda Wallace, acquired 280 acres of
  land; there, they built their home and developed a ranch and
  farm, where they raised livestock and grew cotton, corn, oats,
  and wheat; they became the parents of 11 children, several of
  whom remained on the land; after the elder Mr.  Wallace's passing
  in 1948, ownership of the farm was transferred to his youngest
  son, Wofford Garrison Wallace, who resided there and continued to
  raise livestock and cultivate crops on the property alongside his
  sisters, Amanda and Anna Belle; and
               WHEREAS, Wofford Wallace passed away in 1972, and his older
  brother, Henry Clay Wallace, assumed ownership of the farm, which
  was subsequently divided between his sons, Henry and Joseph;
  since the death of Henry Wallace Jr. in 2014, his daughters Laura
  and Christine have tended to the remaining 140 acres, where they
  currently grow corn; and
               WHEREAS, In preserving their property as a working farm,
  Laura Bergin and Christine Stockwell are making their own
  contribution to their family's legacy, and it is indeed fitting
  that they be honored for their outstanding stewardship; now,
  therefore, be it
               RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, 3rd Called Session, hereby congratulate Laura W.
  Bergin and Christine W. Stockwell on the induction of the Wallace
  Farm into the Texas Department of Agriculture Family Land
  Heritage Program and extend to them sincere best wishes for the
  future; and, be it further
               RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be
  prepared for Ms.  Bergin and Ms.  Stockwell as an expression of
  high regard from the Texas Senate.
           President of the Senate
           I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on October 31, 2023.
           Secretary of the Senate
             Member, Texas Senate