Present law prohibits the textbook and instructional materials quality commission from approving textbook or instructional materials for adoption by LEAs unless the textbook or instructional materials conform to certain standards and, if the textbook or instructional materials are being considered for adoption as a textbook or instructional materials for education of students in general studies and specifically in United States history and this nation's republican form of government, comply with and reflect the values expressed in present law.
Present law provides that the present law provisions governing textbook and instructional materials do not prohibit the use of or apply to supplemental instructional materials. This bill adds that, notwithstanding this provision, the commission is prohibited from recommending or listing, the state board is prohibited from approving for local adoption or granting a waiver for, and LEAs and public charter schools are prohibited from locally adopting or using in the public schools of this state, textbooks and instructional materials or supplemental instructional materials that promote, normalize, support, or address lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, or transgender (LGBT) issues or lifestyles.