This bill revises provisions governing exceptions and defenses to the offense of carrying a firearm with the intent to go armed, as discussed below.
Under present law, it is an offense for a person to carry a firearm or club with the intent to go armed. Present law provides certain defenses to this offense, such as the following:
(1) The possession or carrying was incident to lawful hunting;
(2) The possession or carrying was by a state, county or municipal judge or any federal judge or any federal or county magistrate.
This bill converts the present law defenses to the above-described offense to be exceptions, and creates a new exception to the offense for a person who is legally in possession of a firearm and is not prohibited from purchasing a firearm in the person's state of residence. This bill specifies that a person who meets the elements of this new exception will have the same defenses and exceptions as a person who has been issued a handgun carry permit, for purposes of any offenses of the weapons statutes, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, or the statutes governing wildlife resources.

Statutes affected:
Current Version: 39-17-1307, 39-17-1308(a), 39-17-1308, 39-17-1308(a)(10), 39-17-1308(b)