2022 Senate Concurrent Resolution 604 - SD Legislature Celebrating the LGBTQ+ and Two Spirit community in South Dakota.

2022 South Dakota Legislature

Senate Concurrent Resolution 604

A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION, Celebrating the LGBTQ+ and Two Spirit community in South Dakota.

WHEREAS, in South Dakota, approximately 25,000 adults, or 3.5 percent of the population, identify as LGBTQ+ and Two Spirit. Numerous official Pride Festivals are held annually that shed light on this community   s resilience, ranging from parades and fairs to daily events and educational courses for area businesses and organizations; and

WHEREAS, the LGBTQ+ and Two Spirit community proudly shows its strength every day by living in truth and combatting uncertainty. The South Dakota Legislature celebrates the many accomplishments and milestones of the state   s LGBTQ+ and Two Spirit community while acknowledging the remaining work to be done in the pursuit of true equality for all; and

WHEREAS, the South Dakota Legislature commends leadership from organizations working statewide to educate and create positive change for their fellow South Dakotans. The growth of these local organizations should serve as a beacon of hope for communities nationwide:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Senate of the Ninety-Seventh Legislature of the State of South Dakota, the House of Representatives concurring therein, that the Legislature recognizes the LGBTQ+ and Two Spirit community for its collective efforts to secure true equality for all.