2022 House Bill 1221 - SD Legislature require training on human trafficking for law enforcement officers.

2022 South Dakota Legislature

House Bill 1221

An Act to require training on human trafficking for law enforcement officers.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:

Section 1. That chapter 23-3 be amended with a NEW SECTION:

A law enforcement officer shall biannually attend training in investigating and handling violations of chapter 22-49 covering how to:

(1) Identify violating conduct;

(2) Collect evidence and identify victims using victim-centered-preliminary and ongoing interviewing techniques and mechanisms to avoid undue harm and trauma to the victim;

(3) Prosecute a person who violates;

(4) Adopt response protocols for a minor victim;

(5) Collaborate with nongovernmental and social service organizations to support a victim and the ongoing investigation; and

(6) Protect the rights and promote the safety of a suspected or identified victim, consider the special needs of the victim, and not treat the victim as a criminal.