SDLRC - 2021 House Bill 1252 - SD Legislature exempt individuals who make purchases outside of South Dakota from use tax.

2021 South Dakota Legislature

House Bill 1252

An Act to exempt individuals who make purchases outside of South Dakota from use tax.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:

Section 1. That   10-46-34 be AMENDED.

10-46-34. Liability of user for tax--Returns and payments.

Any person, except a natural person, who uses, stores, or otherwise consumes any property or services subject to tax by this chapter upon which the tax has not been paid, either to a retailer or direct to the secretary as provided by this chapter, is liable therefor, and shall, on or before the time specified in    10-46-27.1, pay the tax upon all such property used by the person during the preceding month in such manner and accompanied by such returns as required by    10-46-27.1. All of the provisions of      10-46-27.1 to 10-46-31, inclusive, with reference to such returns and payments are applicable to the returns and payments required by this chapter.

Statutes affected:
Introduced, 02/03/2021: 10-46-34