SDLRC - 2021 House Bill 1156 - SD Legislature provide opportunities for the questioning of the Governor and the congressional delegation.

2021 South Dakota Legislature

House Bill 1156

An Act to provide opportunities for the questioning of the Governor and the congressional delegation.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:

Section 1. That   1-7-1.2 be AMENDED.

1-7-1.2. Governor--Required annual meetings.

The Governor shall, immediately following the conclusion of the address provided in accordance with S.D. Const., Art. IV,   3, meet with all members of the Legislature, while in a joint session, for a period of at least one hour, and respond to questions from the members regarding the affairs of the state.

The Governor or his a designee shall conduct an annual meeting with representatives of the United States Forest Service to discuss forest service land management programs that affect agricultural productivity on leased forest service land.

Section 2. That a NEW SECTION be added:

2-4-16. Congressional delegation--Meeting.

The speaker of the House of Representatives and the president pro tempore of the Senate shall, during each regular session of the Legislature, invite the members of the state congressional delegation to meet with all members of the Legislature, while in a joint session, for a period of at least two hours, and respond to questions from the members regarding the state of the federal government.

Statutes affected:
Introduced, 01/28/2021: 1-7-1.2