This bill amends the General Laws to change the offense of prostitution from a misdemeanor to a civil violation, with a fine of up to $250. It also includes provisions for an affirmative defense if the accused was forced to commit a commercial sexual activity under certain circumstances. The bill also changes the offense of procuring or attempting to procure sexual conduct for a fee from a misdemeanor to a civil violation with a fine of up to $250. It includes provisions for expungement of certain criminal records related to prostitution and loitering for prostitution, and provisions for the unlawful solicitation from motor vehicles for indecent purposes. The bill also includes provisions for the examination and treatment for venereal disease for individuals convicted of certain offenses related to lewd or lascivious behavior or unlawful sexual intercourse.

Overall, this bill seeks to decriminalize certain commercial sexual activity and replace it with a civil violation, punishable by a fine. It also requires law enforcement agencies to file regular reports detailing their enforcement of this chapter.