This bill amends the Education Accountability Act to make changes to the evaluation system for local education agencies (LEAs) and individual public schools. The bill requires the board of education to adopt a system for evaluating the performance of LEAs and schools on an annual basis. The system must include instruments designed to assess student performance and measure outcomes and results. The bill also requires the board to develop procedures for updating and improving the assessment system. Additionally, the bill authorizes the commissioner of elementary and secondary education to gather information for evaluating schools and programs. Each school district is required to maintain individual records on every student and employee, and file a comprehensive district improvement plan every three years. The bill also requires each district to prepare an annual action plan and each school to prepare a school plan to improve student performance. Finally, the bill requires schools to prepare an annual report on graduating student data.

This bill includes several amendments to current law regarding education in Rhode Island. One amendment requires the Department of Education to collect data on the number of students completing a free application for federal student aid (FAFSA) form and the number of students eligible to fill out and submit a FAFSA form. Another amendment replaces the Rhode Island Comprehensive Assessment System (RICAS) exam with a state assessment for school districts where more than 20% of students do not meet grade-level expectations. The bill also requires school districts to file annual reports with the Department of Education on various topics, including curriculum implementation, pupil/teacher ratios, teacher and administrator evaluation procedures, truancy and dropout statistics, and enrollment and attendance. Additionally, the bill requires school districts to file descriptions of instructional procedures and programs, such as art and music programs, technology education, and programs for gifted and talented students. School districts and charter schools are also required to file annual reports on the implementation of English language learners programs. The bill allows the Department of Education to request additional information from school districts as needed.