This bill introduces comprehensive amendments to Chapter 45-23, "Subdivision of Land," of the General Laws, affecting the applicability, definitions, and procedures for land development and subdivision regulations. Key insertions include a new section establishing the regulations' applicability from January 1, 2024, and the addition of definitions for terms such as "development plan review," "land-development project," "minor land development project," and "major land development project." The bill also allows local ordinances to increase thresholds for minor land development projects and adds definitions for "public hearing" and "preliminary plan." It removes the definitions for "major land development plan," "major subdivision," and "public informational meeting," and clarifies the definition of "subdivision" to include any adjustment to existing lot lines. New definitions for "administrative subdivision," "minor subdivision," and "major subdivision" are added, specifying different types of subdivisions based on the number of buildable lots created.

The bill also revises the review and approval process for development plans, including master plans, preliminary plans, and final plans. It specifies timeframes for decision-making, outlines submission requirements, and establishes procedures for unified development review. The bill adds provisions for public hearings, notice requirements, and the appeal process. It allows municipalities to provide for development plan review in local regulations and grants the permitting authority the power to approve modifications to plans. The bill also amends zoning ordinances, adding and clarifying definitions for various zoning-related terms, and establishes the permitting authority's role in the approval of variances and special-use permits. Additionally, the bill proposes deletions of certain sections related to the review and approval process for master plans and preliminary plans, and introduces new sections that provide general provisions for the final plan approval process. The amendments are set to take effect on January 1, 2024.