This bill amends the General Laws in Chapter 45-24 entitled "Zoning Ordinances" by adding new definitions and deleting existing definitions. The bill adds a definition for "adaptive reuse" and updates the definition for "abutter" and "accessory dwelling unit (ADU)". It also adds a definition for "accessory use" and updates the definition for "aggrieved party". The bill also updates the definitions for "agricultural land" and "airport hazard area". Additionally, the bill updates the definitions for "applicant", "application", "buffer", "building", "building envelope", "building height", "cluster", "common ownership", "community residence", "comprehensive plan", "daycare center", "family daycare home", "density, residential", "development", "development plan review", "district", "drainage system", "dwelling unit", "extractive industry", and "family member".

This bill amends the current law by adding and deleting definitions related to zoning and land development. The bill adds definitions for terms such as "floating zone," "floodplains," "freeboard," "halfway house," "historic district," "home occupation," "incentive zoning," "infrastructure," "land-development project," "lot," "lot area," "lot building coverage," "lot depth," "lot frontage," "lot line," "lot size," "lot width," "mixed use," "modification," "nonconformance," "overlay district," "performance standards," and "permitted use." The bill also deletes the definition for "planned development" and "plant agriculture."