This bill amends the General Laws to limit the governor's authority regarding the declaration or proclamation of an emergency. It requires that any action taken by the governor must be in accordance with the Rhode Island Constitution. It also establishes that any declaration or proclamation of emergency by the governor will automatically end after 60 days unless the General Assembly extends it. If the General Assembly is not in session, the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives may extend the emergency for up to 60 days. The bill also prohibits the governor from issuing any declaration or proclamation of emergency that would eliminate a religious exemption for a flu shot or other inoculation, unless there is scientific data over a minimum of five years proving that the shot prevents or eliminates the virus or disease.

The bill also amends the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to state that the elimination of all religious exemptions is discriminatory and prohibited. It directs those responsible for enforcing religious exemptions to respect the constitutionally protected religious rights of the people. The bill further amends the Fair Employment Practices chapter to state that the elimination of a religious exemption for a flu shot or other inoculation, without scientific data proving its effectiveness, is a violation of the chapter. It also clarifies that the exercise of police power under this chapter must be in strict compliance with the Rhode Island Constitution.

This bill aims to expand protections against employment discrimination based on various characteristics, such as race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, age, or country of ancestral origin. It prohibits employers, employment agencies, labor organizations, and other employee referring sources from discriminating against individuals based on these protected characteristics. It also prohibits employers from asking about an applicant's criminal history on job applications, with some exceptions. Additionally, the bill states that the elimination of all religious exemptions is discriminatory and a prohibited and unlawful employment practice. The bill would take effect immediately upon passage.