This bill amends the Open Meetings law to allow for the use of electronic communications in meetings and discussions of public bodies. It specifies that electronic communication can be used to schedule a meeting and allows for participation via electronic communication or telephone communication for members who are on active duty in the armed services or have a disability that prevents them from attending meetings in person. The bill also authorizes the University of Rhode Island board of trustees members to participate remotely in open public meetings of the board, as long as certain conditions are met. Additionally, the bill allows for members of solely advisory public bodies to participate remotely using videoconferencing technology in open public meetings, as long as certain conditions are met.

The bill includes several requirements for remote participation, including providing the public with the opportunity to attend and participate in the meeting, either in person or remotely. Notice of the meeting must include instructions for the public to attend and participate using videoconferencing technology. All documents to be discussed at the meeting must be made available electronically. Members participating remotely must identify themselves, be able to hear and see the meeting, and be seen and heard throughout the meeting. Non-unanimous votes must be taken by roll call and be visible and audible to other members and the public. If a quorum of members participates remotely from the same location, the public must be allowed to attend at that location. If the video conference technology fails, the meeting must adjourn. The minutes of the meeting must record which members attended in person and which attended remotely. The bill also clarifies that the Open Meetings law does not apply to proceedings of the judicial branch or probate court, and does not prohibit the removal of disruptive individuals from a meeting. The bill defines a "public body that is solely advisory in nature" as a board, commission, committee, council, task force, workgroup, or other entity that does not have decision-making authority and whose members are appointed or created for the purpose of making studies or giving advice or recommendations. The bill would take effect on January 30, 2024.

Statutes affected:
5722  SUB A: 42-46-5
5722: 42-46-5