This bill, titled "The Education Equity and Property Tax Relief Act," proposes several changes to education funding in the state. One change is an increase in the state's regionalization bonus to six percent (6%) of the state's fiscal year share of foundation education aid. This bonus would be ongoing as long as the district remains a regional school district. The bill also includes provisions for additional state support for English learners (EL) and school resource officers (SRO). The amount of support for EL students would be determined by multiplying an EL factor of ten percent (10%) by the core-instruction per-pupil amount. The funds must be used to provide high-quality services to EL students and must be managed in accordance with requirements set forth by the commissioner of elementary and secondary education. The bill also provides direct state support for costs associated with employing SROs at public middle and high schools. Districts or municipalities would be reimbursed for one-half (½) of the cost of salaries and benefits for qualifying positions.

Statutes affected:
5472: 16-7.2-6