As Adopted by the Senate
135th General Assembly
Regular Session S. R. No. 460
Senators DeMora, Gavarone
Cosponsors: Senators Antani, Antonio, Blessing, Brenner, Chavez, Cirino, Craig,
Cutrona, Dolan, Hackett, Hicks-Hudson, Huffman, M., Huffman, S., Ingram,
Johnson, Kunze, Landis, Lang, Manning, McColley, O'Brien, Reineke, Reynolds,
Roegner, Romanchuk, Schaffer, Schuring, Smith, Sykes, Wilkin, Wilson
In memory of Darrell W. Opfer.
WHEREAS, The members of the Senate of the 135th General Assembly 1
of Ohio are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Darrell W. 2
Opfer and extend our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends; 3
and 4
WHEREAS, Darrell Opfer left an indelible impression on the people 5
whose lives he touched, and he will be remembered as a spirited 6
individual who contributed immeasurably to the world around him. 7
Widely renowned for his career in public office, he served eight years 8
as a commissioner for Ottawa County before being elected to four terms 9
in the Ohio House of Representatives, and he worked with members of 10
both parties to advance a number of local and state improvements. In 11
addition, he served as director of the Ottawa County Improvement 12
Corporation for five years, and he will be remembered for his 13
generosity, talents, and seemingly inexhaustible energy; and 14
WHEREAS, Darrell Opfer’s regard for enriching the quality of life 15
in our society through responsible and mindful citizenship was clearly 16
evident in the sacrifices of time and effort he put towards his myriad 17
endeavors. He was a member of the first team of United States Peace 18
Corps volunteers to travel to Kenya, and upon his return home, he lent 19
his talents to Genoa High School, where he taught for fourteen years, 20
as well as to such important organizations as Trinity United Church of 21
Christ, Camp Sabroske, and many local historical societies. He gave 22
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As Adopted by the Senate
generously of his energy and abilities, and his exceptional concern 23
and insight will be his lasting legacy; and 24
WHEREAS, A loving brother, a devoted uncle, and a cherished 25
friend, Darrell Opfer always used his talents to the benefit of 26
others, and the warmth and understanding that he readily extended to 27
those around him will stand as a testament to his personal character. 28
Although the void which his death has created can never be filled, the 29
example of care and commitment he established will surely live on. 30
Indeed, his absence will be keenly felt; therefore be it 31
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Senate of the 135th General 32
Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, express a profound 33
sense of loss and sincere regret at the death of Darrell W. Opfer and, 34
in so doing, pay tribute to the memory of a truly unique man; and be 35
it further 36
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit a duly 37
authenticated copy of this Resolution to the family of Darrell W. 38
Opfer. 39