Office of Research Legislative Budget
www.lsc.ohio.gov and Drafting Office
S.B. 290 Bill Analysis
135th General Assembly
Click here for S.B. 290’s Fiscal Note
Version: As Passed by the House
Primary Sponsor: Rep. Plummer
Effective date:
Larry Gunter, Jr., Research Analyst
▪ Creates the “Dolly Parton Imagination Library” license plate.
▪ Designates multiple highways, interchanges, and an overpass.
License Plate Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library license plate, which must display an
appropriate logo and words selected by the representatives of Dolly
Parton’s Imagination Library and approved by the Registrar of Motor
Recipients Available to all applicants.
Eligible Vehicles Any passenger car, noncommercial motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, or
other vehicle approved by the Registrar.
Contribution; $25 required contribution.
Additional BMV Fee;
$10 additional administrative BMV fee.
Use of Contribution
Contributions must be paid to Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Ohio.
The Library must use the money for operational costs, including the
distribution of books.2
1 R.C. 4503.541.
2 R.C. 4501.21 and 4503.541.
December 20, 2024
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
Requirements for 1. Submission of an application;
2. Payment of the regular license tax, any local tax, contribution,
administrative fee, any special reserved license plate fee if necessary; and
3. Compliance with all other relevant laws relating to motor vehicle
Combined with Special May be combined with a special reserved license plate provided in current
Reserved License Plate law.
Special provisions These specialty license plates are exempt from the following standard
1. The requirement that the Registrar receive written statements from at
least 150 people that they intend to apply for and obtain the license plates
before the Registrar provides for the issuance of those license plates; and
2. The requirement that the license plates display county identification
stickers that use a number or name to indicate the county of registration.3
Highway and bridge designations
The bill designates the following highways, interchanges, and one overpass. It authorizes
the Director of Transportation to erect suitable markers along the highways, interchanges, and
the overpass indicating their names.
Designated Name Location Biographical Information
“PFC John Wayne State Route (S.R.) 47 between McGreevey PFC John Wayne Richard
Richard Memorial Road and Long Road, in Darke County served in the United States
Highway”4 Army in South Vietnam
during the Vietnam War. He
was killed while fighting
communist forces on May
21, 1969.
“John P. Lennon S.R. 87 between Bundysburg Road and John P. Lennon was the
Memorial Highway”5 Madison Road, in Geauga County President of Abbott Valve
and Fitting, Co. He was an
avid philanthropist and
supporter of local police and
fire departments – having
3 R.C. 4503.541(D); R.C. 4503.19 and 4503.78, not in the bill.
4 R.C. 5533.106.
5 R.C. 5533.532.
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As Passed by the House
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
Designated Name Location Biographical Information
made significant
contributions for shooting
ranges, fitness centers, K-9
dogs, and support vehicles
and equipment. He passed
away on February 24, 2024.
“CPL David James S.R. 421 between United States Route CPL David James Amheiser
Amheiser Memorial (U.S.R.) 42 and Lodi Road, in Medina served in the U.S. Army
Highway”6 County during the Vietnam War. He
was killed in action by
communist forces on August
29, 1970.
“Deputy Sheriff Daniel S.R. 53 between Township Road 11 to During his career in law
Kin Memorial Highway”7 County Road 5, in Wyandot County enforcement, Deputy Sheriff
Daniel Kin served at the
Carey Police Department, the
Seneca County Sheriff’s
Office, and the Wyandot
County Sheriff’s Office. While
serving as a Deputy Sheriff in
Wyandot County, Deputy
Sherriff Kin’s vehicle was
struck by a pickup truck while
he was transporting a
prisoner. He died on
December 15, 2022, from his
“Marshal Teddy Ray S.R. 13 between S.R. 78 and S.R. 329, in Marshal Teddy Ray Holcomb
Holcomb Memorial Athens County was a U.S. Army and Ohio
Highway”8 National Guard veteran. He
served with the Trimble
Village Police Department
and had previously served
with the Nelsonville Police
Department. He died on
October 27, 1976, when he
6 R.C. 5534.013.
7 R.C. 5534.427.
8 R.C. 5534.429.
P a g e |3 S.B. 290
As Passed by the House
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
Designated Name Location Biographical Information
was struck by an intoxicated
driver fleeing arrest.
“Chief Ronald A. Brown S.R. 16 between West Carlisle Road and Chief Ronald A. Brown had
Memorial Highway”9 Old Riley Road, in Muskingum County over 40 years of law
enforcement experience with
different agencies before
retiring from the Clinton
Township Police Department.
He died on March 6, 2021,
after battling cancer.
“Cpl. Robert Dockstader S.R. 2 between mile marker 117 and mile Cpl Robert Dockstader
Memorial Highway”10 marker 122, in Ottawa County passed away on January 27,
2023. He served in the U.S.
Marine Corps and completed
two separate tours of duty,
including a tour in Iraq in
2005 during the Iraq War.
“Keith G. Earley The interchange of I-475 and Dorr Street, Keith G. Early was the Lucas
Memorial Interchange”11 in Lucas County County engineer from 2000
to 2019. During his career,
Mr. Early oversaw numerous
infrastructure improvements
in Lucas County, including
major highway interchanges,
underpasses, roundabouts,
and landscape
improvements. He died on
December 16, 2021.
“Marigene Valiquette I-75 between U.S.R. 24 at mile marker Marigene Valiquette was a
Memorial Highway”12 203 and U.S.R. 24 at mile marker 206, in member of the General
Lucas County Assembly for 24 consecutive
years. She first served in the
House of Representatives,
beginning in 1963. She then
served in the Senate from
9 R.C. 5534.443.
10 R.C. 5534.482.
11 R.C. 5534.502.
12 R.C. 5534.505.
P a g e |4 S.B. 290
As Passed by the House
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
Designated Name Location Biographical Information
1969 until 1986. She is the
longest serving woman in
Ohio General Assembly
history. She died on August
6, 2024, only 16 days before
her 100th birthday.
“SSG Jack W. Coy I-280 between Navarre Avenue and Front SSG Jack W. Coy served in
Veterans Memorial Street, in Lucas County the U.S. Army Air Corps
Highway”13 during World War II. He was
killed in action on February
24, 1944, when his plane was
shot down over Germany.
“CPT Louis John Speidel S.R. 28 between Castleberry Court and CPT Speidel served in the
Memorial Highway”14 the Happy Hallow Road Overpass, in United States Army as a
Clermont County helicopter pilot. On April 23,
1971, his helicopter was shot
down by communist forces
during a mission in South
Vietnam where he sustained
serious injuries. Captain
Speidel died on June 25,
“Marjorie Whiteman S.R. 109 between County Roads V and S, Marjorie Whiteman was a
Memorial Highway”15 in Henry County legal scholar, widely known
for authoring the Digest of
International Law. She also
served as an advisor to
former First Lady Eleanor
Roosevelt and had a
distinguished career with the
U.S. State Department. She
was inducted into the Ohio
Women’s Hall of Fame in
13 R.C. 5534.617.
14 R.C. 5534.673.
15 R.C. 5534.705.
P a g e |5 S.B. 290
As Passed by the House
Office of Research and Drafting LSC Legislative Budget Office
Designated Name Location Biographical Information
“Sgt. Anthony Kress The eastbound and westbound lanes of Army Sgt. Vinnedge served
Vinnedge Memorial S.R. 129 between Chapel Road and the during Operation Iraqi
Highway”16 border of Indiana, in Butler County Freedom. On July 5, 2007, he
died in Iraq from injuries
related to a noncombat
“William ‘Bill’ Burgett S.R. 13 between the intersection of William “Bill” Burg