As Offered
135th General Assembly
Regular Session H. R. No. 488
Representative Grim
Honoring Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Parish
on its Centennial.
WHEREAS, The members of the House of Representatives of the 135th 1
General Assembly of Ohio are pleased to extend special recognition to 2
Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Parish on its One Hundredth 3
Anniversary, celebrated June 2, 2024; and 4
WHEREAS, Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Parish was established on 5
New Year’s Eve in 1924, holding its first services the following 6
February under the Reverend Otto C. Kappus in what was known as 7
Moran’s storeroom, and for the past one hundred years, it has served 8
as a tremendous source of spiritual inspiration for many. This dynamic 9
house of worship has grown in its own right as well as served as the 10
catalyst for the establishment of additional local parishes, including 11
St. Clement, St. Pius X, and Christ the King Catholic churches, and it 12
has encouraged countless individuals to pursue lives of worship, 13
service, learning, and Christian fellowship; and 14
WHEREAS, This auspicious occasion offers the members of Most 15
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Parish the opportunity to share their 16
memories and to reflect on the benefits of life in their close-knit 17
community. Indeed, the parishioners have expanded on the traditions of 18
the past to ensure a benevolent and prosperous future, and they can be 19
proud of the remarkable examples they have set through their values 20
and principles; and 21
WHEREAS, The members of Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Parish 22
have stood strong in the face of numerous challenges, and they have 23
had a positive impact on the lives of their fellow citizens. This 24
important milestone represents their dedication and commitment to 25
keeping their faith alive in the Toledo community, and all those 26
H. R. No. 488 Page 2
As Offered
associated with this beacon of society are deserving of high praise; 27
therefore be it 28
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of Representatives of 29
the 135th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, 30
applaud Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Parish on its One Hundredth 31
Anniversary and offer best wishes as it upholds its rich legacy of 32
faith and fellowship in the years to come; and be it further 33
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit 34
a duly authenticated copy of this Resolution to Most Blessed Sacrament 35
Catholic Parish. 36