As Introduced
135th General Assembly
Regular Session H. R. No. 374
Representatives Demetriou, Patton
Cosponsors: Representatives Abdullahi, Brennan, Carruthers, Hoops, Johnson,
Manning, Miller, J., Ray, Rogers, Sweeney
To memorialize the 100th anniversary of the 1
establishment of diplomatic relations between 2
Ireland and the United States. 3
WHEREAS, Strong U.S.-Irish connections date to the 19th 4
century when a large number of Irish immigrants came to the 5
United States; and 6
WHEREAS, In the first half of the 1800s, Irish immigrants, 7
many of them fleeing the potato blight and resulting famine of 8
the 1840s, settled in Ohio, making up a sizable portion of the 9
immigrant population in the state; and 10
WHEREAS, Irish laborers were instrumental in the 11
construction of the Ohio and Erie Canal, and the Miami and Erie 12
Canal; and 13
WHEREAS, Ireland gained independence from the United 14
Kingdom on December 6, 1921, when representatives of the two 15
states signed the Anglo-Irish Treaty; and 16
WHEREAS, The United States recognized the Irish Free State 17
H. R. No. 374 Page 2
As Introduced
as a state with autonomous control over its foreign relations on 18
June 28, 1924; and 19
WHEREAS, Diplomatic relations were established on October 20
7, 1924, when Timothy A. Smiddy presented his credentials as 21
Minister Plenipotentiary of the Irish Free State in Washington, 22
D.C.; now therefore be it 23
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the House of 24
Representatives of the 135th General Assembly of the State of 25
Ohio, in adopting this resolution, memorialize the 100th 26
anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between 27
Ireland and the United States; and be it further 28
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives 29
transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to 30
Ambassador Geraldine Byrne Nason at the Embassy of Ireland, 31
United States of America, in Washington D.C., to the Ohio 32
Congressional delegation, and to the news media of Ohio. 33