(135th General Assembly)
(Senate Resolution Number 215)
To oppose the proposed constitutional amendment Issue 1.
Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Ohio:
WHEREAS, On November 7, 2023, an issue entitled "The Right to Reproductive Freedom with
Protections for Health and Safety" will appear on the statewide ballot as Issue 1; and
WHEREAS, Human life is precious and must be protected; and
WHEREAS, Health and safety protections for women are of the utmost importance; and
WHEREAS, Parents are the ultimate arbiter of what is best for their children; and
WHEREAS, Issue 1 will undermine human life and enshrine the right to end life in our state's
Constitution; and
WHEREAS, Issue 1 ignores Ohio's already existing exceptions for the life and health of the
mother in favor of establishing the right to abortion-on-demand through all nine months by allowing
for-profit abortion providers to make the final call on all abortion procedures, standards, and timing;
WHEREAS, Issue 1 will eliminate many, if not all, state laws regarding abortion, including
parental notification requirements; the prohibition on abortion by dismemberment; laws preventing
painful, late-term abortions; laws disallowing abortion based on a child's characteristics; and laws
prohibiting abortions when a child is removed alive during an abortion procedure; and
WHEREAS, Issue 1 may erase parental rights by ending parental notification and preventing
parents from being involved in the most important decisions in their child's life, including abortions;
WHEREAS, Issue 1 would instead allow for-profit abortion providers to pressure children into
these decisions behind closed doors and without their parents; and
WHEREAS, Issue 1 eliminates many basic health and safety protections for women, including
requiring that abortions be performed in person by a licensed doctor who can transfer a woman to a
hospital if something goes wrong during a procedure; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Senate of the State of Ohio, urge the citizens of Ohio
to vote against Issue 1 as a dangerous and irresponsible constitutional amendment that will
undermine the current rights and protections of unborn children, women, and parents; and be it
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Senate transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to
the news media of Ohio.
President _________________ of the Senate.
Adopted ____________________, 20____