As Introduced
135th General Assembly
Regular Session S. R. No. 155
Senator Gavarone
To express support for consumer choice in the 1
automotive marketplace and against government- 2
preferred vehicle technology mandates that will 3
harm Ohio's consumers by prematurely requiring 4
the transition of the automotive fleet from 5
internal combustion powered vehicles to all- 6
electric vehicles. 7
WHEREAS, All Ohio residents deserve access to affordable, 8
practical, and technologically neutral options for 9
transportation in the new and used motor vehicle marketplace; 10
and 11
WHEREAS, An overwhelming majority of Ohioans have chosen to 12
purchase vehicles equipped with an internal combustion engine; 13
and 14
WHEREAS, The median household income of Ohioans from 2017- 15
2021 was $61,938 as determined by the U.S. Census Bureau; and 16
WHEREAS, The average cost of a new all-electric vehicle is 17
more than $58,000, making the mandated purchase of these 18
vehicles unaffordable and, thus, unattainable for the majority 19
of Ohioans; and 20
WHEREAS, 198,000 Ohioans are employed in the automotive 21
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sector, which contributes over $12.1 billion in labor income to 22
the state's economy; and 23
WHEREAS, The CEO of Ford stated that manufacturing electric 24
vehicles requires approximately 40% less labor than internal 25
combustion engine powered automobiles. Therefore, thousands of 26
family-sustaining union jobs are at risk; and 27
WHEREAS, PJM, the regional transmission organization that 28
coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or 29
parts of 13 states and the District of Columbia has warned that 30
40 GW of existing electric generation are at risk of retirement 31
by 2030; and 32
WHEREAS, According to the U.S. Geological Survey's 33
assessment of critical minerals, the United States depends on 34
countries that have poor environmental records and antagonistic 35
relations, like China, for many of the minerals necessary for 36
deployment of all-electric vehicles; and 37
WHEREAS, Federal and state regulators have failed to 38
adequately consider the cost impact to vulnerable communities, 39
the displacement of American jobs, the capacity of our electric 40
infrastructure, and our ability to bring supply chains governed 41
by hostile-actors to America when encouraging vehicle mandates; 42
now therefore be it 43
RESOLVED, That we, the members of the Senate of the 135th 44
General Assembly of the State of Ohio reaffirm the State of 45
Ohio's commitment to consumer choice in the automotive 46
marketplace by neither mandating nor prohibiting the purchase of 47
specific vehicle technologies; and be it further 48
RESOLVED, That we respectfully urge the Biden 49
Administration to ensure all regulations being promulgated by 50
the U.S. EPA regarding light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles 51
protect American families and workers by being both economically 52
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practicable and technologically feasible, which means preventing 53
direct or indirect electric vehicle mandates; and be it further 54
RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Ohio Senate transmit duly 55
authenticated copies of this resolution to the President of the 56
United States, the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy, 57
the Secretary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the 58
Speaker and Clerk of the United States House of Representatives, 59
the President Pro Tempore and Secretary of the United States 60
Senate, the members of the Ohio Congressional Delegation, and 61
the news media of Ohio. 62