Autism Treatment Assistance Program (ATAP) assists parents and caregivers with the cost of providing autism-specific treatments to their child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). ATAP provides a monthly allotment to pay for ongoing treatment development, supervision and a limited amount of weekly intervention hours based upon a child's individual treatment plan, age, program care enrollment and authorized representative income. Within ATAP policy guidelines, the monthly allotment is intended to help parents pay for treatment. ATAP only funds treatments that have been proven by research to be evidence-based, including Applied Behavioral Analysis, Verbal Behavioral and Pivotal Response programs. Covered services include parent training; program development and supervision; daily intervention hours; and essential tools and equipment. ATAP may also fund speech, occupational and physical therapy when other resources do not provide coverage. All ATAP participants receive service coordination services through targeted case management to assist the family with the coordination of community-based services.
Statutory Authority: NRS 427A.871 through 427A-8803.