This bill amends New Jersey's bribery statute, specifically N.J.S.2C:27-2, to clarify that the offense of bribery applies to unlawful gratuities received both before and after official acts. The new legal language specifies that "benefit as consideration" includes any benefit not authorized by law and encompasses benefits received regardless of the timing in relation to the official act. This change aims to align state law with recent federal court interpretations, ensuring that all instances of bribery are subject to prosecution, irrespective of when the benefit was conferred.

The bill also reinforces that it is not a defense to claim that the person sought to be influenced was unqualified to act in the desired manner, nor can it be used as a defense that the benefit was received due to coercive conduct by another party. The penalties for offenses under this statute remain unchanged, categorizing them as crimes of the second degree, or third degree if the benefit is valued at $200 or less. The act is set to take effect immediately upon passage.