SENATE, No. 2931
DATED: MARCH 19, 2024
Synopsis: Revises “New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority Act,”
revises calculation of gas tax rate, and establishes annual fee for zero
emission vehicles.
Types of Impact: Increases in State and local government revenues and expenditures.
Agencies Affected: New Jersey Transportation Trust Fund Authority, Department of
Transportation, New Jersey Transit Corporation, county governments,
municipal governments.
Office of Legislative Services Estimate
Fiscal Impact FY 2025 through FY 2029
Total State Expenditures $19.95 Billion Plus Indeterminate Amount of New Debt Service
Total State Revenue $12.70 Billion
Total State Bonding (up to) $8.87 Billion
Total Local Revenue $2.33 Billion
Total Local Expenditures $2.33 Billion
 The Office of Legislative Services (OLS) notes that the bill authorizes some $10.37 billion in
appropriations for the State’s Annual Transportation Capital Program from FY 2025 through
FY 2029. Of that amount, an estimated $2.33 billion would be passed on as State aid to
counties and municipalities for transportation projects.
 In addition to the $10.37 billion in new appropriations from FY 2025 through FY 2029, the
Transportation Trust Fund would also have to pay $9.58 billion in debt service on existing
bonds from FY 2025 through FY 2029 and debt service on any new debt issuances. Although
the bill provides $8.87 billion in bonding authority to the Transportation Trust Fund Authority,
the OLS lacks the informational basis to determine the par amount of bonds the Authority may
newly issue between FY 2025 and FY 2029 as well as the debt service structure it would select.
 To cover the new capital program appropriations plus the cost of existing and future debt
service on Transportation Trust Fund Authority bonds from FY 2025 through FY 2029 (at least
Office of Legislative Services Legislative Budget and Finance Office
State House Annex Phone (609) 847-3105
P.O. Box 068 Fax (609) 777-2442
Trenton, New Jersey 08625 www.njleg.state.nj.us
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$19.95 billion), the bill provides $21.57 billion in estimated resources: some $12.70 billion in
revenue and $8.87 billion in bonding authority.
 The $1.62 billion in excess resources would be available for new debt service payments
between FY 2025 and FY 2029. For reference, if the Transportation Trust Fund Authority
were to sell $1.75 billion in new bonds per year from FY 2025 to FY 2029, each with a 30-
year maturity schedule and equal semi-annual debt service payments at a 5.0 percent interest
rate, then new debt service payments from FY 2025 through FY 2029 would total $1.70 billion.
 Of the $12.70 billion in estimated revenue, some $10.99 billion would be from the combined
motor fuels tax and petroleum products gross receipts tax ($1.19 billion more than under the
FY 2024 revenue target for the two taxes), $1.0 billion from the existing sales and use tax
dedication (unchanged from current law), $650 million from the new registration fee for
electric vehicles, and $60 million from the New Jersey Turnpike Authority (unchanged from
current law).
This bill renews the Transportation Trust Fund for FY 2025 through FY 2029 and in support
thereof establishes an annual registration fee for zero emission vehicles. Specifically, the bill:
 grants $10.367 billion in capital program spending authority for the five-year period;
 reauthorizes the $5.24 billion in unissued bonding capacity under the current eight-year
transportation trust fund renewal that would otherwise expire on July 1, 2024;
 provides an additional $3.60 billion in bonding capacity;
 provides another $21 million in bonding capacity from newly allowing upward
adjustments in bonding capacity for bond discounts granted in the sale of transportation
program bonds since FY 2017; under current law bonding capacity is only reduced by
the amount of premiums received in the sale of transportation program bonds;
 increases the statutory baseline revenue target for combined motor fuels tax and
petroleum products gross receipts tax collections from sales of gasoline and diesel
motor fuel, or the baseline “highway fuel cap,” from $1.948 billion per year to the
following amounts before continuing to adjust each fiscal year’s target for any over- or
under-collection in the prior fiscal year relative to that year’s adjusted revenue target:
a) $2.032 billion in FY 2025,
b) $2.115 billion in FY 2026,
c) $2.199 billion in FY 2027,
d) $2.282 billion in FY 2028, and
e) $2.366 billion in FY 2029;
 delays by three months, from October 1 to January 1, the implementation of the annual
property tax gross receipts tax rate adjustment for sales of gasoline and diesel motor
fuel to attain the fiscal year’s adjusted “highway fuel cap”; and
 imposes a new annual registration fee for zero emission vehicles at the rate of $250 in
FY 2025, increasing by $10 annually until it reaches $290 per year starting in FY 2029.
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None received.
The OLS notes that the bill authorizes some $10.37 billion in appropriations for the State’s
Annual Transportation Capital Program from FY 2025 through FY 2029. Of that amount, an
estimated $2.33 billion would be passed on as State aid to counties and municipalities for
transportation projects.
In addition to the $10.37 billion in new appropriations from FY 2025 through FY 2029, the
Transportation Trust Fund would also have to pay $9.58 billion in debt service on existing bonds
from FY 2025 through FY 2029 and debt service on any new debt issuances. Although the bill
provides $8.87 billion in bonding authority to the Transportation Trust Fund Authority, the OLS
lacks the informational basis to determine the par amount of bonds the Authority may newly issue
between FY 2025 and FY 2029 as well as the debt service structure it would select.
To cover the bill’s capital program appropriations plus the cost of existing and future debt
service on Transportation Trust Fund Authority-issued bonds from FY 2025 through FY 2029 (at
least $19.95 billion), the bill provides an estimated $21.57 billion in resources: some $12.70
billion in projected revenue and some $8.87 billion in bonding authority.
The $1.62 billion in excess resources would be available for cumulative new debt service
payments in the concerned five-year period. For reference, if the Transportation Trust Fund
Authority were to issue $1.75 billion in new bonds per year from FY 2025 to FY 2029, each with
a 30-year maturity schedule and equal semi-annual debt service payments at a 5.0 percent interest
rate, then new debt service payments from FY 2025 through FY 2029 would total $1.70 billion.
Of the estimated $12.70 billion in revenue, some $10.99 billion would be from the combined
motor fuels tax and petroleum products gross receipts tax ($1.19 billion more than under the FY
2024 revenue target for the two taxes), $1.0 billion from the existing sales and use tax dedication
(unchanged from current law), $650 million from the new registration fee for electric vehicles, and
$60 million from the New Jersey Turnpike Authority (unchanged from current law). The OLS
displays its annual revenue estimate for the new electric vehicle registration fee in the table below.
Estimated Revenue Gain with Zero Emission Fee Zero Emission Vehicles Registered
FY 2025 $ 61,344,061 245,376
FY 2026 $ 90,892,767 349,588
FY 2027 $ 125,517,096 464,878
FY 2028 $ 164,509,726 587,535
FY 2029 $ 207,391,262 715,142
Section: Authorities, Utilities, Transportation and Communications
Analyst: Michael D. Walker
Assistant Fiscal Analyst
Approved: Thomas Koenig
Legislative Budget and Finance Officer
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This legislative fiscal estimate has been produced by the Office of Legislative Services due to the
failure of the Executive Branch to respond to our request for a fiscal note.
This fiscal estimate has been prepared pursuant to P.L.1980, c.67 (C.52:13B-6 et seq.).

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 27:1B-3, 27:1B-9, 27:1B-20, 27:1B-21.1, 27:1B-22.2, 27:1B-25, 54:15B-3, 52:18A-257