This bill mandates the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services within the Department of Human Services and the State Board of Medical Examiners to develop and implement a more efficient process for reviewing NJ FamilyCare provider applications within 365 days of the bill's effective date. A key component of this process involves the State Board of Medical Examiners sharing relevant information about physician licensure applicants who wish to enroll as NJ FamilyCare providers. Specifically, the Board is required to provide the Division with the applicant's license number within five days of issuance, and if the applicant is not approved for licensure, the Board must supply appropriate documentation within the same timeframe.

Additionally, the Division is instructed to begin processing NJ FamilyCare provider applications immediately upon receipt, provided that the applications include necessary licensure information or indicate that the applicant is pending licensure approval. The Division must also notify applicants within ten days of receiving their license number if any further information or documentation is needed for enrollment. Importantly, the bill clarifies that it does not change the existing application requirements for state licensure or NJ FamilyCare provider enrollment, nor does it allow for the approval of an applicant before the Division has received their National Provider Identifier number.