This bill mandates that each local school district establish a District Special Education Parent Advisory Council (DSEPAC) to enhance the involvement of parents in the education and safety of students with disabilities. The council will consist of up to 11 parents, ensuring representation from each town within the district, and will be selected through an open application process. The council's responsibilities include advising the district on special education matters, meeting quarterly with district administration, facilitating communication between parents and the school board, and serving as a resource for parents regarding their rights. Additionally, the council will hold at least one annual workshop to educate parents about their rights and the IEP process.

The bill introduces new legal language by adding a section to RSA 186-C, specifically section 186-C:3-e, which outlines the structure, duties, and operational guidelines for the DSEPAC. It emphasizes the need for open meetings, public availability of meeting minutes, and the provision of necessary resources by the district to support the council's activities. The bill also requires the DSEPAC to submit an annual report to the school board, summarizing its activities and concerns raised by parents, which must be made publicly available on the district's website. The act is set to take effect on September 1, 2025.