The bill under consideration mandates the labor commissioner to collaborate with the department of business and economic affairs to create and distribute a poster detailing veterans' benefits and services, which employers are then required to display in a location accessible to all employees. The poster must include a range of information beneficial to veterans, such as contact details for the New Hampshire department of military affairs and veterans services, substance abuse and mental health treatment resources, educational and workforce training resources, tax benefit information, details on how to obtain a veteran's indicator on identification documents, unemployment insurance benefits eligibility, legal services resources, and contact information for the Veterans Crisis Line. The act is set to take effect 60 days after its passage.

From a fiscal perspective, the bill is expected to have an indeterminable minimal impact on state revenues and expenditures, with any potential increase in revenue coming from civil penalties due to employer violations, which are anticipated to be minimal. The Department of Labor does not foresee a significant impact on the administration of protective legislation and estimates that the cost of producing and distributing the posters or notices will be minimal. The bill does not provide additional funding to cover estimated expenditures nor does it authorize new positions for implementation. The fiscal impact, if any, is assumed to occur after FY 2024. The Department of Labor has been consulted for this analysis.