This bill establishes a commission to study revisions to the laws governing pharmacists and pharmacies. The commission will consist of members from the house of representatives, the senate, the New Hampshire board of pharmacy, the New Hampshire Pharmacists Association, the New Hampshire Health System Pharmacist Society, the New Hampshire Independent Pharmacy Association, the New Hampshire chapter of the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, and the New Hampshire Hospital Association. The commission will study current standards for pharmacists and pharmacies and make recommendations for future legislation. The commission will report its findings and recommendations to the speaker of the house, the president of the senate, the house clerk, the senate clerk, and the governor by November 1, 2023.

The bill also repeals RSA 318:69, which is the current law establishing the commission to study revisions to the laws governing pharmacists and pharmacies. The effective date for this repeal is November 1, 2023. The remainder of the bill will take effect upon its passage.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 318:69