LB154 LB154
2023 2023
Introduced by DeBoer, 10.
Read first time January 09, 2023
Committee: Revenue
1 A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to treasurer's tax deeds; to amend section
2 77-1835, Revised Statutes Cumulative Supplement, 2022; to change
3 provisions relating to notice; to harmonize provisions; and to
4 repeal the original section.
5 Be it enacted by the people of the State of Nebraska,
LB154 LB154
2023 2023
1 Section 1. Section 77-1835, Revised Statutes Cumulative Supplement,
2 2022, is amended to read:
3 77-1835 (1) The notice provided by section 77-1834 shall be
4 published three consecutive weeks, the last time not less than three
5 months before applying for the tax deed. The purchaser or assignee shall,
6 within five days after the first publication of the notice, send by
7 United States mail a copy of such published notice to the person in whose
8 name the title to the real property appears of record. Proof of
9 publication shall be made by filing in the county treasurer's office the
10 affidavit of the publisher, manager, or other employee of such newspaper,
11 affirming that to his or her personal knowledge, the notice was published
12 for the time and in the manner provided in this section, setting out a
13 copy of the notice and the date upon which the same was published.
14 (2) The purchaser or assignee shall also file in the county
15 treasurer's office (a) an affidavit affirming that a title search was
16 conducted by a registered abstracter to determine those persons entitled
17 to notice pursuant to section 77-1832 and affirming that a copy of the
18 published notice was sent to the person in whose name the title to the
19 real property appears of record in accordance with subsection (1) of this
20 section and (b) a copy of such title search.
21 (3) The affidavits, the copy of the notice, and the copy of the
22 title search shall be filed with the application for the tax deed
23 pursuant to section 77-1837. Such documents shall be preserved as a part
24 of the files of the office.
25 (4) Any publisher, manager, or employee of a newspaper knowingly or
26 negligently making a false affidavit regarding any such matters shall be
27 guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly.
28 (5) Section 25-520.01 does not apply to publication of notice
29 pursuant to section 77-1834.
30 Sec. 2. Original section 77-1835, Revised Statutes Cumulative
31 Supplement, 2022, is repealed.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 77-1835