This bill proposes the creation of two new sections to chapter 12-44.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, establishing a Jail Improvement Revolving Loan Fund and a Jail Facilities Improvement Committee. The committee will consist of various members, including representatives from the House and Senate, as well as appointees from county associations and law enforcement organizations. The committee's responsibilities include reviewing loan applications for jail facility renovations, expansions, or replacements, with a focus on prioritizing projects based on factors such as inmate capacity, age of existing structures, and community support. The bill outlines the terms of service for committee members, reimbursement for travel expenses, and the process for appointing successors.

Additionally, the bill establishes the Jail Improvement Revolving Loan Fund, which will be administered by the Bank of North Dakota. This fund will provide low-interest loans to political subdivisions for jail construction projects costing at least one million dollars. The bill specifies eligibility criteria for loan applicants, including the need for bond authorization and a completed application. It also sets a maximum loan amount of forty million dollars, a loan term of up to thirty years, and an interest rate cap of two percent per year. Furthermore, the bill mandates a transfer of $200 million from the Strategic Investment and Improvements Fund to the Jail Improvement Revolving Loan Fund during the 2025-2027 biennium to support these initiatives.