This bill proposes the creation of a new chapter in Title 35 of the North Dakota Century Code, specifically addressing damages related to carbon dioxide pipelines. It introduces definitions for key terms such as "kill zone," which refers to a 25-mile radius from a carbon dioxide release site, and establishes the rights of "victims" who may file liens against the owners of carbon dioxide pipelines or facilities. The bill allows victims within the kill zone to claim damages for any harm caused by a release of carbon dioxide, including both compensatory and punitive damages, regardless of the owner's intent or liability.

Additionally, the bill outlines the process for victims to perfect their liens, including filing a verified statement with the county recorder within one year of obtaining the lien. It grants retroactive priority to timely perfected liens over other encumbrances and specifies the necessary contents of the lien statement. The bill also details the termination of liens, including the conditions under which a satisfaction statement must be filed, and addresses the handling of funds in the event of bankruptcy proceedings for the owner or operator of the pipeline. Overall, the legislation aims to provide a structured legal framework for addressing damages related to carbon dioxide pipeline incidents.