The bill amends section 15-20.2-08 of the North Dakota Century Code, which pertains to the assessment of fees for area career and technology center expenses. It removes the term "proportionate" in relation to the share of expenses for participating school districts and replaces it with a "center membership fee" based on high school enrollment. Additionally, it allows nonparticipating school districts to be assessed fees based on their access and use of programs, rather than a proportionate share. The bill also clarifies that the center board will allocate students from each participating district based on the same basis used for expense assessment.
Furthermore, the bill establishes a requirement for participating school districts to remit payment for their assessed share of expenses promptly after receiving the assessment notice, with a maximum payment period of sixty days. A civil penalty of one percent per month will be applied to any assessments that are not paid by the due date. This amendment aims to streamline the fee assessment process and ensure timely payments from participating districts.
Statutes affected: INTRODUCED: 15-20.2-08