This bill amends subsection 1 of section 57-51.1-07.7 of the North Dakota Century Code to establish new reporting requirements for cities that receive grants from the municipal infrastructure fund. Starting in 2022, cities with a population of at least one thousand must submit a report to the state treasurer by November 30th of each even-numbered year. The report must detail the amount of grant funding received and spent, as well as a description of the infrastructure projects completed with the funding. The state treasurer is responsible for notifying cities of this requirement and may grant a 15-day extension for report submission if requested.
Additionally, the bill stipulates that cities failing to submit their reports on time or in the correct format will be ineligible for future grants from the fund for a period of two years. If any financial audits reveal that a city has used the funding inconsistently with the requirements, the state treasurer has the authority to reduce future grants by the amount spent improperly. This legislation aims to enhance accountability and transparency in the use of municipal infrastructure funds.
Statutes affected: INTRODUCED: 57-51.1-07.7
PREFILED: 57-51.1-07.7