This bill amends various sections of the North Dakota Century Code to replace the term "drug court" with "treatment court" and introduces a definition for "drug treatment court" as a district court-supervised program that combines judicial oversight with substance use disorder treatment and testing. Key changes include provisions that allow for the waiver of unpaid fines upon successful completion of a treatment program, reinstatement of driving privileges after completing a treatment court program, and the ability for courts to dismiss cases and seal records for individuals who successfully complete treatment programs. The bill emphasizes rehabilitation over punishment for substance-related offenses.

Additionally, the bill establishes provisions for the twenty-four seven sobriety program, permitting district courts to suspend participation in this program for offenders enrolled in an approved drug treatment court program while under supervised probation. When a court suspends participation, it must issue a certificate of waiver for the offender, which will be recognized by the director of the department of transportation for issuing a temporary restricted operator's license. This legislative change aims to provide flexibility for offenders engaged in rehabilitation while ensuring their compliance with sobriety measures is acknowledged.

Statutes affected:
INTRODUCED: 12.1-32-02, 15.1-19-13, 19-03.1-23, 19-03.4-03, 27-20.2-01, 27-20.4-01, 27-20.4-17, 27-20.4-26, 29-26-22, 39-06-36.1, 39-06.1-11, 39-08-01, 39-08-01.5, 54-12-27.1
PREFILED: 12.1-32-02, 15.1-19-13, 19-03.1-23, 19-03.4-03, 27-20.2-01, 27-20.4-01, 27-20.4-17, 27-20.4-26, 29-26-22, 39-06-36.1, 39-06.1-11, 39-08-01, 39-08-01.5, 54-12-27.1