This bill amends the North Dakota Century Code to update the requirements for criminal history record checks conducted by the state treasurer for individuals with access to federal tax information. Specifically, it changes the language to specify that the checks apply to "applicant or employee" rather than "each individual," and it clarifies that these checks are required under chapter 54-11-16.

Additionally, the bill modifies the language in section 54-11-16 by removing the requirement for independent contractors to undergo these checks and instead focuses solely on applicants and employees. It also adjusts the timeline for subsequent rechecks from ten years to five years following the initial criminal history record check. These changes aim to streamline the process and ensure that only relevant personnel are subject to these checks.

Statutes affected:
INTRODUCED: 54-11-16
Adopted by the Senate State and Local Government Committee: 12-60-24, 54-11-16
FIRST ENGROSSMENT: 12-60-24, 54-11-16
PREFILED: 54-11-16