May 14, 2020
S.B. 775
Short Title: Funds/Est. Black Women & Girls Task Force. (Public)
Sponsors: Senators Smith and Murdock (Primary Sponsors).
Referred to:
4 The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:
5 SECTION 1.(a) Article 9 of Chapter 143B of the General Statutes is amended by
6 adding a new Part to read:
7 "Part 31. North Carolina Black Women and Girls Task Force.
8 "§ 143B-426.60. North Carolina Black Women and Girls Task Force.
9 (a) Task Force Established. – There is established the North Carolina Black Women and
10 Girls Task Force ("Task Force") within the Department of Administration for budgetary purposes
11 only.
12 (b) Membership. – The Task Force shall consist of 13 members and shall include all of
13 the following:
14 (1) Nine grassroots-led selected North Carolina advocacy nonprofit organization
15 leaders that serve black women and/or girls who have an established mission
16 of serving black women and/or girls within the State for a minimum of two
17 years and appointed by the Secretary of Administration or his or her designee.
18 (2) Two persons who are members of the Senate at the time of appointment, at
19 least one of whom represents the minority party, appointed by the President
20 Pro Tempore of the Senate.
21 (3) Two persons who are members of the House of Representatives at the time of
22 appointment, at least one of whom represents the minority party, appointed by
23 the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
24 (c) Appointment of Cochairs. – The President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker
25 of the House of Representatives shall each designate a cochair. The cochair appointed by the
26 President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall preside over the Task Force during the odd-numbered
27 year, and the cochair appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall preside in
28 the even-numbered year. A cochair may preside at any time during the absence of the presiding
29 cochair or upon the presiding cochair's designation.
30 (d) Terms, vacancies. – All members shall be appointed for a term of two years. Members
31 may be reappointed to successive terms. A vacancy on the task force shall be filled by the original
32 appointing authority using the criteria for the prior appointment. Any appointment to fill a
33 vacancy on the Task Force created by the resignation, dismissal, death, disability, or
34 disqualification of a member shall be for the balance of the unexpired term.
35 (e) Removal. – The Governor may remove any member of the Task Force for
36 misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance, pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 143B-13.
General Assembly Of North Carolina Session 2019
1 (f) Meetings, quorum. – The Task Force shall meet upon the call of its cochairs. The
2 Task Force may meet in the Legislative Building or the Legislative Office Building. A majority
3 of the Task Force shall constitute a quorum.
4 (g) Compensation, staff. – Members of the Task Force shall receive per diem and
5 necessary travel and subsistence expenses in accordance with G.S. 120-3.1, 138-5 and 138-6, as
6 applicable. The Secretary of Administration shall assign professional and clerical staff to assist
7 the Task Force in its work.
8 "§ 143B-426.61. Black Women and Girls Task Force – duties.
9 The Task Force shall to serve as an advisory committee to study disaggregated findings
10 concerning the well-being of cisgender and transgender black women and girls in the State. In
11 conducting this examination, the Task Force shall examine the following issues:
12 (1) Study the health and wealth disparities of black women and their impact.
13 (2) Review educational justice principals for black girls and the impact of trauma
14 to learning.
15 (3) Research all forms of violence to and on black women and girls.
16 (4) Consider the impact of the criminal and juvenile justice system on black
17 women and girls, including incarceration of black women and girls.
18 (5) Examine the effect of political advocacy and engagement, employment, and
19 healthcare, especially in the context of disparate impacts of COVID-19,
20 cancer, stress disorders, high blood pressure, maternal morbidity and infant
21 mortality, reproduction, and other disparate health factors.
22 "§ 143B-426.62. Black Women and Girls Task Force – report.
23 The Task Force shall submit its first report to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight
24 Committee and the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services the
25 prior to the convening of the 2021 General Assembly and biennially thereafter. The report shall
26 contain at least a summary of conclusions for each of the duties assigned to the Task Force under
27 G.S. 143B-426.61. Any recommendations proposing changes to law, rule, or policy shall be
28 accompanied by specific legislative or policy proposals and estimated implementation costs.
29 "§ 143B-426.63. Sunset.
30 This Part expires September 30, 2030."
31 SECTION 1.(b) All appointing authorities shall make appointments to the Black
32 Women and Girls Task Force as provided by G.S. 143B-426.60(b) by October 1, 2020, and the
33 terms of all members shall commence on October 1, 2020.
34 SECTION 2. There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department of
35 Administration the sum of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) in recurring funds for the
36 2020-2021 fiscal year and five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) in recurring funds for the
37 2021-2022 fiscal year to be allocated each fiscal year for operation of the Black Women and
38 Girls Task Force established in Section 1 of this act..
39 SECTION 3. This act becomes effective July 1, 2020.
Page 2 DRS45437-LGa-241